
Friday, October 31, 2014

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #007

The light was
 so beautiful this morning
Now it is gone 
That fast 
'Out brief candle' 
Well to the west 
It loomed dark purple 
Deepest hints of bruised plum 
Like after a storm 
The light was illuminating 
Autumn colors on some trees 
Bright Gold completely on one 
Green & Red on another 
I wanted to get a shot of that 
But the light was so fast 
I guess it will have to live on 
Inside of my memory

a collaborative poem with Gigi Starlings

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #006

Come all ye saints, 
politicians, and crooks. 
Lay open your soul 
let us read 
like a book 
the message it holds

Sing us the song of our little sin

Give unto Caeser & give once again 
Broke down foundation
Marble now humbled
Let it crumble & tumble
& stumblingly bumble
down the highway to hell

work comes from energy outside of us

we may dispense with the delusion 
of believing we make it happen. 

Come all ye lookers, 

hookers, and hounds. 
Pray to the sky 
as your feet leave the ground
wind sings your song
through a white FEMA flute

When a child builds a sand castle 

the sand is not “partnering” with her: 
it simply lies dormant and allows her to work 
it into the proper form
—adding water if it is too dry, 
fitting it into the shape 
of a tower here 
or a drawbridge there

Free autumn sunset street 

shocks & brakes out on the Graham Street Corridor

As far as concepts go, 

the walls that've been closing in 
are no longer a concept 
but now a fact. 

Even the trash icon 

compacts trash. 
For this reason alone 
the gurgle of high-octane 
Nascar engines 
highlight the backgrounded 
white noise

A stone slips beneath the surface 

of a fake lake 
as webbed feet paddle 
across rippling fake waves 
to investigate.

Finding there only briars 

and brambles 
and thickets to scramble
He turns his nose up 
to the rest of the journey 
as an eagle 
with a ten foot wingspan 
from one side 
of the lake
& a Heron
{from the camera}
makes a hasty escape

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #005

people say they don't believe in hell 
that's fine 
to believe in something 
that actually exists 
or not to believe 
in something
You would rather ignore
Don't be deceived

Seeing how you treat one another 
from the beginning of this short life
living off the road
living on the roof 
in a room 
and piercing the iris
Oh yes, I know it exists

If it cannot exist here 
on this material plane 
why shouldn't it happened 
on the much more actual plane 
of reality 
of the afterlife?  

It’s natural to realize 
things will decay 
over time 
unless they are 
actively maintained 

There is something more than we know 
There is a further distance for us to go 
Where the seeds we once planted 
from them shall we sow  

Any ounce of negative energy 
introducing even more 
& even more
spiritual entropy

You cannot will yourself 
to be more orderly
nor more spiritual
Left to our own devices, 
We will decay into sin

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #004

Levels of Lovelessness

When the eyes consume
The mind ignites
With 'want' & death's sure-footed approach
We all see that which we desire
To label
To touch
To own
To consume
images are nothing more
than mere images
Locked inside imagination's 
nuclear unstable trajectory
Reality is real
As real as a heart attack
all the images bead up
Raindrops on silicon
Reflecting & projecting
Transmitted from a dumb
Lifeless rock
Without a beat
Nor a pumping thump
There, where is, no looking back 
No glorification of gratitude
Only blindingly bland walls decorated
By poster children of self satisfaction
From before the test tube
Genetic modification
Plastic injection molds
For what? To what?
To cuddle away the cold?
May as well have been
A rubber blow up doll
As long as you don't mind
mindless conversation
With yourself
About yourself

Starring yourself

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #003

 Most people are living in hell 
or either purgatory 
at the moment 
they're still alive

Without love joy hope
What do you have?

Please don't tell me you are forgiven 
or that you have never felt loved 
Please don't excuse yourself 
on my behalf 
That just makes the fire hotter 
& the burn time more 
The sear more dominant 
for the sizzle

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #002

Oh, Those Fiery Flames!

Oh, the Firey fires of hell
They don't even warm your bones
Like a laughing skull 
Helmet of blue methane flames
They burn all the way through
The marrow of your bones
There is no Avenue of escape
Even time will not contain 
the strain
Now that the polling places
have shuttered their tongues 
there's some cold air on the way

Oh, Those Fiery Flames! #001

Oh, Those Fiery Flames!

© PMPope

Have you ever wondered 
'Whatever happened
Or what became of old so & so?
They were always the life of the party.'
But little did we know
How could you expect anyone to know?
They were soooo pretty
& they worked out all the time
They bought the right products
& agreed with all the causes
Putting lipsticks on leg-hold traps
Making love to themselves